GridinSoft Anti-Malware 3.1

Wondering how to remove virus from PC? Download malware removal tool and start a free scan of your system. GridinSoft Anti-Malware's full-system scan finished faster than competitor tools' quick scans and flagged more items for removal, including many PUPs that, if not actual threats, can be tossed safely. This software has a Resen Browser Settings function that effectively removes redirects, popups, ads in your browser. Our efficient detection engine protects users against any dangerous sites where adware and malware are possible.
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include alert before deleting any. Give updates

It will be useful if alerts are given before showing any file or any PUP or virus as deleted giving a user a chance to see. (there is a fix to choose, but it is better to give an alert, instead of showing as deleted. These kinds of malware...
Jayaraman Raju, 11.01.2018, 11:43
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